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Festival of Nations

Festival of Nations

The weather was splendid, the turn out was great.  Our booth was busy at all times, with folks stopping by and learning about the great programs Bilingual offers.  We had many inquiries about the volunteer opportunities and we were able to provide much needed...
Advocacy for Bilingual Older Adults

Advocacy for Bilingual Older Adults

CaringforParentsTogether interviewed Julia Ostropolsky about the needs frequently experienced by New American seniors.  Having come from a foreign country, many face language barrier, culture shock and limited social supports, while beginning to adapt to the new life...
Jewish Muslim Day of Giving – a Collaborative Event

Jewish Muslim Day of Giving – a Collaborative Event

Jewish Muslim Day of Giving is a great opportunity to contribute to the frail and shut-in seniors of our city.  Not everyone in Saint Louis celebrates Christmas and not everyone has anybody to celebrate with.  For some, a simple visit from a volunteer with a bag full...

A Video Word About BIAS

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Homeland Quilt

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