Annual Jewish and Muslim Day of Service Event
December 25, 2015
December 25, 2015
Over 40 volunteers of diverse faiths, nationalities and ages participated in our agency’s Jewish and Muslim Day of Service to provide deliveries of gifts and a special lunch to 100 needy senior clients. The project involved volunteers assembling and organizing tote bags by delivery routes during Christmas week. On December 25, additional volunteers gathered to stuff the totes with greeting cards, pack lunch items and make deliveries to households located throughout the city and county.

The event was notable for the wonderful sunny (and dry!) weather and even more so for the dedicated, spirited crew of volunteers who set out to make the day special for our Bosnian, Bhutanese, Russian, African, Vietnamese, Afghan, Iraqi, Korean, Albanian, Uzbeki and American seniors.
A special thanks also goes to: Dot Foods for 100 tote bags filled with nonperishable food and household items; Missouri Dept. of Corrections Restorative Justice Reentry participants for 100 beautiful hand-made quilts; Deb Genovese’s Webster Groves High School art classes for fringe blankets; Stitches for Life for providing 100 handmade scarves; Living World UMC quilting groups for providing comforters; and Carole Splater of Charity Sharity for support that enabled the donations of all quilts, blankets and scarves.