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Monarch Immigrant Services Logo
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Meet Senior Center Coordinator Eli Hoxha!    

Eli’s relationship with Bilingual International began in 2013 while she pursued a degree in Social Work at St. Louis University. One of her introductory courses required a twenty hour commitment to a organization; Eli continued to volunteer with us after...
Jewish Muslim Day of Service was a success!

Jewish Muslim Day of Service was a success!

Annual Jewish and Muslim Day of Service EventDecember 25, 2015 Over 40 volunteers of diverse faiths, nationalities and ages participated in our agency’s Jewish and Muslim Day of Service to provide deliveries of gifts and a special lunch to 100 needy senior clients....
Giving Tuesday – Thank you for your support!!

Giving Tuesday – Thank you for your support!!

Giving Tuesday is a Charitable Day to give back to organizations that deserve it.  Ours received over $950.00 in this one day.  THANK YOU to all the donors who contributed to the agency and continue to contribute, allowing our services to expand and include those who...